What can you expect during our worship service?

Songs of Praise and The Reading of Scripture

Every Sunday, we sing hymns in “a cappella” style, which means we sing without instruments. We also give our attention to God’s Word by reading from a selected passage of Scripture.

The Lord’s Supper

We observe this memorial every Sunday because of our desire to be like the earliest Christians. The Church in the New Testament observed it on the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). Jesus shared his last supper with the disciples shortly before his death and asked that they “do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19). The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus, and the cup symbolizes His spilled blood. Our weekly communion is representative of the original Lord’s Supper––a remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.

Sealed communion cups are provided, and all are welcome to participate!


We believe in the power of prayer, which is why we pray at several points during our worship service. We often pray for specific needs and personal requests.


Whoever preaches at Westside when you attend is not as important as the message that is preached. Our minister does not carry any special title. We make no distinctions in name or dress, as we believe all Christians are equal in the family of God (Galatians 3:26–28).

We believe that the living God speaks through the words of Scripture, addressing His people in the present time. And so, we corporately reflect on the Bible through sermons, trusting that God’s Word does apply to our lives.

An Invitation

Inviting worshippers to make a commitment to Jesus is part of our service. At the end of the sermon, an invitation to come forward will be extended. While some may want to be baptized, others may want to share their hardships or their joys with our church. All are welcome to come to the front.

An Offering

Our members financially support our church and our ministries through contributions placed in an offering bag passed during service. If you are a guest, you are not expected to make a contribution. However, any gift you do give will go toward the good works we support.

We are here to pursue a common goal. We want to be God’s people who live and love like Jesus. This goal unifies us and helps us accomplish great things in the name of Jesus. Join us in seeking and serving the will of God with Jesus as our example!